Hermès's sky-high prices are well-known, making its handbags the cream of the crop in the luxury goods market. Owning a bag from the BKC series is like being among the elite! Style is also crucial and determines a bag's...
This time it's not a small waste bag!! Review of Kelly Moove
The new member of the Hermès Kelly family, Kelly Moove, is here for a review! Looks average in the pictures, but when worn, it's truly stunning!And this time,...
The BK 20 Sellier Midnight Faubourg, also known as the Black House, is named Extreme Night, but many people call it Dark Night. The exterior-seamed craftsmanship makes the entire bag look exceptionally exquisite. With a size of 20, it...
Colors: 8L/01/T0/93Materials: TOGO/SWIFT/SOMBRERO/Goat Skin/Fog-faced American Alligator/logo-pressed square mouthSize: 20x16x11cmDescription: The small house, originally named 20 Faubourg, is inspired by Hermès' flagship store on Faubourg Avenue in Paris— from the shop windows and awnings to the orange shopping bags, the...